Whether you’re looking for a place to meet other Knights or a chance to leave your mark and contribute to campus life, 有多种方式可以参与其中, 成为正在发生的事情的一部分, 并帮助创建下一个伟大的活动或俱乐部. 向下滚动以了解更多信息!



Warner Pacific’s 校园活动委员会 (CAB) is a student leadership vehicle which aims to create a welcoming, 多样化的, and 包容 environment on campus through various activities which focus on enriching campus life, 促进学生参与, 营造积极的课外氛围. CAB’s primary goal is to build community and involvement among the student body by extending the Knight experience outside of the classroom.

CAB is responsible for programming in intramurals, outdoor recreation, & 其他特别活动. CAB致力于招聘, 招聘, 选择, 促进, and retaining a competent and 多样化的 professional and paraprofessional team that reflects the 多样化的 community at 亚博体育. Membership in CAB consists of two officers who are hired for one-year terms. Questions and concerns about CAB are handled directly by the Student 订婚 Coordinator.

俱乐部 & 学生组织

The best part about being a small campus community is that every student has the opportunity to lead. 亚博体育 offers a wide range of student-led organizations and co-curricular activities that will help you pursue your passions, 磨练你的领导才能, 交一辈子的朋友, 建立美好的大学回忆. 所有的俱乐部和组织都对所有学生开放.

Here at Warner Pacific, we currently offer six student-run organizations: 

  • 亚太岛民俱乐部
  • 在电子表格之间
  • 黑人学生会
  • 环境科学社团
  • Latinx
  • 分子量骑自行车

不要看到你感兴趣的俱乐部或组织? Create your own by reaching out to the Student 订婚 Coordinator, we can make it happen! 


学生会 connects the university administration and the student body. 学生会 creates spaces for conversations around developing a supportive, 包容,充满活力的校园环境,让学生有归属感, 蓬勃发展,祝大家玩得开心.


  • 每周例会
  • 每两周举行一次学生会议
  • 每月生日聚会
  • 想要参与或对学生会有想法?  请通过电子邮件AWSPC@warnerpacific告诉我们.edu.


The 亚博体育 Student 多样性 Council (SDC) is one of six branches of ASWPU student leadership at Warner Pacific. SDC is committed to 促进 justice and equity on and off campus by educating about, advocating for and celebrating people from 多样化的 backgrounds.

These Multicultural Organizations are supported by the Student 多样性 Council:

  • 人人可及
  • 黑人学生组织
  • Bridge Builders (creating shared space for conversations pertaining to faith and sexuality)
  • 国际学生组织
  • 岛民学生组织
  • Latinx

Have an idea for SDC or interested in starting a Multicultural Org? 让SDC知道. 联系 AWSPC@lgmobilereg.com.


Cross-cultural engagement provides an opportunity for personal development, social-awareness and intellectual growth through interactions with people and worldviews that are different from your own. Every year two to four WPU students take the opportunity to spend a semester off campus through one of the Best Semester programs. Check out the nine locations (three state-side and six international) and 学习如何申请.


校内活动由校园活动委员会(CAB)成员管理. The purpose of the Intramural Program is to provide an opportunity for the 亚博体育 community to participate in a variety of competitive and non-competitive sports and activities. The Intramural Program seeks to complement the educational endeavors of the university by providing fun, 安全, 和结构化的体验,促进身体, 精神, 和社会发展的每一个学生.


校园部门 exists to help you explore holistic spirituality. 我们看到我们的定期聚会(教堂), 小群体, and special events) as opportunities to dive into your own questions and purpose within a 安全 and 包容 community. WPU believes our Christ-centered mission is one of the best ways to build community and offer guidance that is Life-Informing, 鼓舞人心的生活和生活.


Serving others is woven into the entire fabric of the WPU experience including classes, 体育运动, 居住生活及更多. You’ll find a number of co-curricular activities specifically devoted to helping you use your unique talents and gifts to make the world better for others, preparing you for a lifetime of meaningful servant-leadership. Warner Pacific’s Local Connect program links students to meaningful local, long-term service opportunities that align with your unique skill set and interests.

You can get involved by volunteering at a number of projects throughout the year. 更多细节可通过以下链接获得.


One great thing about being a part of a small campus community is that every student has the opportunity to lead. If you want to contribute to the campus and help build a community that values each of its 多样化的 members, 这里有你的位置. We encourage you to take ownership of your experience here and get involved in something on campus that you are passionate about. 你可以帮助建立一个充满活力的学生群体, 包容并意识到我们城市正在发生的事情, 我们的国家和我们的世界.

Student leadership through ASWPU includes roles in 学生会, 校园活动委员会, 服务学习, 校园部门, 和居住生活. You can also lead on campus through positions in 体育运动 and through serving as a Peer Mentor through First Year 学习社区. More information about each area is available through the links below.


没有什么比住在大学校园更好的了. 你离教室、图书馆和教职员办公室很近. 你隔壁有人住在8a.m. class who reminds you about that reflection paper due tomorrow. 这样你就节省了从家里或公寓通勤的时间? 你可以用它来学习. 或工作. 或者探索波特兰.

但最重要的是, life on campus is about the people you get to know who can stay with you for life. Maybe it’s the late-night conversations in the residence halls, 组建一支队伍来展示你在英国的才能, 或者为你最喜欢的骑士队加油. 居住生活 gives you the chance to live and learn in a 多样化的, 支持和充满活力的校园社区. With two residence halls and a variety of apartment and house living options, 校园里有灵活性.

